You was ahead only by one vote,,only because Ms Tracy used your blog to read mine,
you should thank her,,lol
Some of you did the post & all & did'nt even answer the questions,
Drum rolllll,,PLEASE,,,,
***Ms Nina***
You should be getting them in the mail
in about a week or so,,,
Hope you enjoy :o)
Congrats, Mrs. Nina!
Whoooo Hoooo!!
Hotttt Doggggg!!!
I Won!!
(Thanks Ms. Tracy for giving me the final point!!)
(However, I feel somewhat guilty because you've already sent me several pkgs lately!.....You're so very good to me!)
I love you girl! I can't wait to have some FALL DECORATIONS!!!!
These Portuguese around my place won't know what to think of me and my scarecrows!!
Thank you!! Thank You!! Thank You!!
Congrats Nina!
I knew she would win. Becka you did that on purpose!jejej.. which I think is wonderful! Nina is so very special and I think it is so incredible what the Lord has done in your lives! You are so special!
Congrats to Nina :o) How fun :o)
Oh, it seems like forever that I have been able to do some blog reading! I am trying to take a quick look at everyone on my list of followers...and then make my way back for more catch up!
Blessings & Aloha!
Just wanted to let you know I have 2 awards (aka blog hugs) for you at my place. Thanks for following and for your comments!
Okay~this was rigged! I demand a recount!
hehehe~just kidding! I guess it's ok since they don't have fall decorations in Portugal. lol
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