Friday, October 30, 2009
Update,on Woods
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Our Families ,need some prayer warriors,
This is sweet baby John"Woods"Carter
My Aunt Debras first grandbaby,
This picture was taken when he was a day old,
He was born 2 weeks ago yesturday,
he was 7'1 & 19 in,long looks just like his daddy, my cousin C,J Carter.
His mother is Randi,
in this picture with pink on,
this was taken when he was 4 days old,My Aunt is in the purple,
she is my daddys baby sister,
She called me about 2 hours ago,
Woods has been put in hospital,
with high fever & crying when you touch him,
They are running test,all that have been done so far ,shows nothing,
PLEASE I'm asking to
pray for this sweet baby..
We all are very worried,
But I cant even began to know how Randi & CJ feel,?
He was so perfect on this day,
Thank ya'll ,once again,
I will keep yall updated..
Lord ,I ask that you will please be with Woods, you & only you can help him & give those doctors wisdom in this time,
I love you,LORD,THANK YOU !!
Monday, October 26, 2009
All the above !!!
My computer is in the shop, wont be ready till end of week,or next week sometime,
I'm using my moms right now,dont know when I will be around one again, I wanted you all to know ,I hav'nt forgot about you,
Most of us have been sick ,just took Dakota to the doc,& I may have to go in the next few days if I dont get better,,WHAT is all this mess going around ????
I will try to be back around as soon as I can,got LOTS to post about...
Thanks again for your prayers,,& for all the great words of comfort you all have sent,,,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Asking for your prayer;
had a heart attack,it was bad,
She has been on life support ever since ,they was hoping she would come out of the coma,
but has not, I talked to Jims sister a few mins ago & she said they are starting to take her off the meds, they have her on,,
Please pray for her & our family,
Jim has yet to get over the loss of his uncle a few weeks ago,this is going to be hard..
God knows what he is doing in our family,even though we dont understand,
Thank ya'll,,
(I will post a picture of her later)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
And the WINNER is ??????
you should thank her,,lol
Some of you did the post & all & did'nt even answer the questions,
Drum rolllll,,PLEASE,,,,
***Ms Nina***
You should be getting them in the mail
in about a week or so,,,
Hope you enjoy :o)
Monday, October 19, 2009
To the club :D
......*Big Butt Club*.......
I did not do anything on last monday cause of a sickness that was going through my household,
And monday was my day to have it,
So for this monday I have to catch up a bit,
Sorry ,! I mean alot,
This weekend was full of FUN, but busy ,
Thursday & Friday we had fall break ,no school,"*yoohoo*"
Opening weekend of deer season "*yoohoo*"
We had someone to spend the night ,fri nt,
& Friday it began to get cold,not cool ,but cold."*yoo hoo*"
(this morning we had our first frost) "*yoohoo*"
Sat ,morning we had a few people to come over for a while
to eat breakfast. (I got up to fix ,opening day breakfast),
And yesturday was Homecoming at our church ,"*yoohoo*"
(can you tell the things i like ?)
Oh & yesturday after church ,we went saw my new baby cousin
that was born wed, & then me & my husband went hunting, "*yoo hoo*"
So for all you mamas out there !!!!!!!!!!!
Do you see the things I hav'nt done in a few days ?????
Clean house ...boohoo :(
I hav'nt got out fall & winter clothes yet...boohoo :(
And today is mon,so we have to get back on school :(
And tonight we start 8 weeks of prayer,"burdens in prayer"
at our church,dont get me wrong thats a good thing, just got to
get alot done before 7;00p.m.
So to get off my BUTT today ,I have got to catch up..
Pray for me I'm going to need it,,lol
For real,would you join me tonight at 7;30 to pray,
for any burden you may have ,we all need to pray more.. you all...have a good BUSY monday...
Oh yeah !!
I said all weekend to I was starting a diet today too,
I'll let you know if that works out ,,hahahaha
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Update on Give'away
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
My First Give'away..
It should'nt be hard to play by the rules,
since I started this blog in July,
I got my gift ideas from Ms Nina,& the reason is some of ya'll can't get Fall things where you live.
Which I think is a crying shame,boo hoo :O(
Here are the ten things you have to do or answer;
(1)Leave a comment,about what you do or do not like about my blog:(I do not get my feelings hurt easy,be truthfull)
(2)Post about this give'away atleast 24 hours;
(I would do a button like all the rest of you do ,but dont know how :( (let me know in your commet that you did)
(3)Let me know how you found out about this give'away,
(like through what blog )
(4)What is one of my favorite movies ?
(5)What did I do for Labor day ?
(6)What is my oldest nephews name?
(7)How many sibilings do I have?
(8)When is my anniversary?
(9)I have posted many happy b-days,who is the 2nd I posted about?
(10)What date did I get saved on;(the whole date)becareful sometimes I post a day ahead or a day late.
O.K ,So this is how it works,on
# 1 you will get 2 votes
# 3, 3votes ,plus the person you found out from ,will get 2 extra votes,so be sure to post about it, you never know who is going to read through you :o)
#4-9 1vote
#10, 3 votes
I'm going run this for a week, next tues, the winner will be announced:
if there is a tie I will then draw one from them,
This is something like what you will win::::drum roll please,,
I will mail the winner not ONE but TWO Fall decorations,that will look something like this one,
I hope you have fun playing,,
***Have a good tuesday****
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Oct,10th--5years ago...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I did'nt have time to post all these as we had them ,we had so much going on , we have been so busy..
But, I'm trying to catch up,
So back on Sept,12, We was invited to send the afternoon with my Aunt Cindy,she turned 50,
My Uncle Marshall gave her a surprise party,& most of her family & the Cofields was there.
I love this woman !!! :o)
This is her & their only son,Alan one of my favorite cousins,
Then the next weekend was spen mans (Spencer)(my baby nephew) b-day.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I must say when I clicked on to the blog Heavenly Humor & saw the title to her post,
I thought somebody had got a picture of me bending over & put it up on the web,,??
And she was posting about it..
So I clicked on with one eye open the other shut praying,,please dont let it be me,,
It was'nt, Thank God!
I did go on to read, and what a great idea,
I have found myself,loving to blog,reading blogs,e-mails,& so on.
So why didnt I think of this??
If you find yourself doing the same & want to do something about it,
go over and take a look,you can find it @ Heavenly Humor,with Ms Deborah Ann or
with Ms Traci @ GraphicdesignsbyTraci & @ ordinary inspirations for the everyday wife mommy&homemaker.
Thank You to Ms Deborah for it not being
& for letting Ms Traci know I needed some help.
Thank You to Ms Traci for your help .!! :o)
Everyone have a good Hump- Day :o)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Camping & Good news
& a smilebox of our camping trip in the fall..
Jim's daddy came out to the camp on friday night,& spent about 4 hours with us,we had a great time with him..,Its been years since he came to just spend time with us.
Since U,Spencer past away him & Jim has talked 2 to 3 times a week on the phone.
He says he is coming to our home coming in a few weeks.
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