Monday, April 26, 2010

I take it back,,

I take back what I said about I love everything about summer,
I do not like this two things, (Hate these two things.)

This is not what I care to wake up to out side my bedroom window.

This rat snake was found by my husband sat in the rain
just laying around on the top of a post,next to the barn.
(time to brake out the moth balls)
So other than that I love this time of year,,lol
Happy Monday to All, :):):)


Nina in Portugal said...

I remember Bro. Jim digging up dirt out behind the church and finding snake eggs. After we had already killed two or three that summer...huge ones too!! YUCK!!!!

That's something I do not miss about Georgia! (Not many other thing though....!)

Becka said...

I do too remember that,
makes my skin crawl,lol
But thanks for the dirt,its been about 4 years & my flowers are still blooming in it,
love you

Charlotte said...

Becka, My husband saw a snake on the hill next to the house yesterday! I'm with you -- they really creep me out!

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

Ick!!!!! I could do without them too! Have a blessed week...

Deborah Ann said...

Ugh, I hate those things too. Now why on earth did God have to 'bless' us with stuff like that?

Amrita said...

I hate snakes and spiders too. My helper found a tiny black snake in the bedroom last week. It was not poisonous though

Nicky Abram said...

Hi Becka, these are so big! Yak. My penpal's sister (in Chicago) used to have a few snakes for pets in her...bedroom and she was only 11 at the time. It was a bit scary! God bless x