Monday, April 26, 2010

I take it back,,

I take back what I said about I love everything about summer,
I do not like this two things, (Hate these two things.)

This is not what I care to wake up to out side my bedroom window.

This rat snake was found by my husband sat in the rain
just laying around on the top of a post,next to the barn.
(time to brake out the moth balls)
So other than that I love this time of year,,lol
Happy Monday to All, :):):)


Nina in Portugal said...

I remember Bro. Jim digging up dirt out behind the church and finding snake eggs. After we had already killed two or three that summer...huge ones too!! YUCK!!!!

That's something I do not miss about Georgia! (Not many other thing though....!)

Becka said...

I do too remember that,
makes my skin crawl,lol
But thanks for the dirt,its been about 4 years & my flowers are still blooming in it,
love you

Charlotte said...

Becka, My husband saw a snake on the hill next to the house yesterday! I'm with you -- they really creep me out!

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

Ick!!!!! I could do without them too! Have a blessed week...

Deborah Ann said...

Ugh, I hate those things too. Now why on earth did God have to 'bless' us with stuff like that?

Amrita said...

I hate snakes and spiders too. My helper found a tiny black snake in the bedroom last week. It was not poisonous though

N Abram said...

Hi Becka, these are so big! Yak. My penpal's sister (in Chicago) used to have a few snakes for pets in her...bedroom and she was only 11 at the time. It was a bit scary! God bless x